Uncovering the Truth: Two Reasons Why Our Bodies Reject Meat Consumption

Uncovering the Truth: Two Reasons Why Our Bodies Reject Meat Consumption

It is often said that humans are natural carnivores. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, our ancestors were mostly herbivores who occasionally ate small amounts of meat. As we evolved, our digestive systems became less able to handle meat and more suited for plant-based diets. Here are several reasons why humans are not meant to eat meat:


1. The human digestive system is not designed for meat digestion


Our digestive system is much longer than that of carnivores, and designed to process plant-based food. For example, our saliva contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates and starches, while meat-eating animals have enzymes that break down protein. Our stomachs are also less acidic than that of carnivores, which makes it harder to break down meat.


2. Meat is linked to a variety of health issues


Meat consumption has been linked to a number of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, and obesity. Too much meat can increase our risk of developing these diseases.

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